Saturday, April 13, 2013

He Atoned

I've been thinking a lot recently about something dear to my heart. In the beginning of my mission there was a phrase that drove me crazy. Whenever I had a hard day, felt guilty about something I said or did, felt sick other missionaries would tell me "Study the Atonement." This always made me crazy! I couldn't see how Christ's sacrifice applied to me being sick. It frustrated me that others would think that it applied. I felt that it only applied when we were repenting of sin.

I continued on in my mission with great frustration trying to understand how the Atonement applied to the situation I was in. But I tried their advice and studied the Atonement. And at first it did not work. I still couldn't see how the Atonement would help me feel better when people reject the message that we share. Then last April I studied the atonement in a new way. I read a talk by David A. Bednar, an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, speaking on the enabling power of the Atonement. It completely changed my understanding. I then read in the book Jesus the Christ and studied the last week of Christ's life to prepare to give a talk in church on Easter Sunday. And my understanding of my Savior and my relationship with Him was revolutionized.

Over the following months as I continued to study the Atonement I came closer and closer to my Savior. In the Fall I had some experiences that brought me closer to Him than I ever thought possible. So I have decided that I need to share my testimony and understanding of the Atonement. I plan to do a series of posts over the coming weeks sharing and teaching on the many different aspects of the Atonement and how it applies to every moment of every day of our lives.

I know that as we come to truly understand the purpose of Christ's love for us and His sacrifice because of that love that we can be blessed immeasurably. I pray that this understanding can help you as it has helped me.


  1. I love this! The Atonement is so powerful. It always seemed quite struggly when Missionaries would say "go study the Atonement" because it seemed so cliche. I would think "How many times can I possibly study the atonement?!?!" Then I realized, the Atonement means everything. It is the purpose for everything. If it wasn't for the Atonement then life would literally be pointless. As I started to think this way my understanding changed and I was finally allow it to truly effect my life. Thanks for the Post!
    -Elder Huckvale

  2. This makes me teary...and you know why. I love you Sister Tino!!!
